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Email alerts showing all new opportunities posted to the website

If you wish to be notified about new postings to our website, please subscribe to our email alerts below. You can choose to receive these emails daily, weekly or monthly.

Email alerts - Distressed businesses

If you are interested in distressed business opportunities, please choose to receive daily email alerts of these distressed opportunities. These businesses are likely to sell quickly, so please do not just rely on the weekly or monthly emails of all opportunities, as it may then be too late for you to express an interest in a distressed opportunity. You will not receive an email every day - only when a new distressed opportunity has been posted. If you have chosen to receive daily alerts of all business opportunities then we will not also send you a daily alert showing just distressed opportunities, as you would receive the same information twice.

Subscriber database and changing your preferences

Our email subscriber list is held on a separate system to our website users database and so it is necessary to use the form below to subscribe to our email alerts, even if you are already a registered user of this website.

You may unsubscribe from our emails at any time, via the unsubscribe link on each email. You can also change the frequency of emails you receive at any time by updating your subscription preferences using the link at the foot of every email.
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Deal Opportunities Limited will use the information you provide on this form to inform you about new opportunities posted to our website and to provide updates and marketing. Whilst we will usually contact you by email, please let us know all the ways you would like to hear from us:

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